Kant's Project of Enlightenment
14th International Kant Congress celebrating the 300th birthday of Immanuel Kant

14th International Kant Congress

September 8-13, 2024

The 14th International Kant Congress will be organized and hosted by the Institute for Philosophie of the University of Bonn and the Kant-Society (Germany). In celebration of the 300th anniversary of Kant’s birth, and in view of the political developments of our time, the theme of the congress will be “Kant’s Project of Enlightenment”. In 2024, the city of Bonn will also be celebrating the 75th anniversary of the German Constitution, which was enacted into law in Bonn on May 23, 1949, as the Grundgesetz of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Was ist Aufklärung
© www.deutschestextarchiv.de/kant_aufklaerung_1784

What is Enlightenment?

The Enlightenment emphasized the moral autonomy of the individual and the inalienable political rights of all human beings. Its aim was to overcome deeply engrained prejudices in religion, the state, and society and to defend the principles of rational criticism and emancipation, all while advocating a scientific orientation to the world. The ideas of the Enlightenment are understood to be universal: All human beings are to be considered equal, regardless of gender, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, or sexual orientation. Kant remains one of the most important representatives of the European Enlightenment and one of its central contributors.

Registration fees

Registration fees (for both presenters an non-presenters):

  • Regular tariff (entire conference): 150 EUR
  • Reduced: 75 EUR
  • Day ticket: 35 EUR
  • Students (with valid ID): 35 EUR
  • Exceptions are possible for cases of hardship.

For cancellations received until July 31, 2024 fee will be refunded with a 70% deduction. From August 1, 2024, cancellations are no longer possible.

© Converia GmbH


To participate in the congress, you have to register via the Converia conference software by
August 20, 2024. This also applies to the speakers.

It is not possible to submit a paper with this registration, as the call for papers is closed.


Here you will find the programme and the sections.


Your lectures will take place at these locations in the city of Bonn.

Supporting Program

Our congress will be accompanied by a supporting program (coming soon).

Student Congress

In parallel to the congress, there will for the first time be a students’ congress.

Arrival & Accommodation

Here you will find information about your arrival and different accomodations.


Read the greetings from Hendrik Wüst, Minister-President of the State NRW and Katja Dörner, Mayoress of the Federal City of Bonn

Additional Events

Other events such as the Humboldt Research Award Forum will be held in conjunction with the Kant Congress.

Cooperation Partners

Logo der Kant-Gesellschaft e.V.
© Kant-Gesellschaft e.V.
Ministerium für Kultur und Wirtschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen mit dem Wappen des Landes NRW
© Land NRW
Staatskanzlei des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen mit dem Wappen des Landes NRW
© Land NRW
Logo der Stadt Bonn bestehend aus den Worten Freude. Joy. Joie. Bonn.
© Stadt Bonn
Logo des Digitalen Kant-Zentrums NRW mit Kant-Kopf und Nennung der beteiligten Universitäten Bochum, Bonn, Köln und Siegen
© Universität Siegen
Logo der Bundeskunsthalle Bonn
© Bundeskunsthalle
Logo des Gustav Stresemann Institutes Bonn
© gsi Gustav Stresemann Institut
Logo des Forschungs Museums König Bonn
© Forschungs Museum König
Logo des Kunstmuseums Bonn
© Kunstmuseum Bonn
Logo der Tourismus und Congress GmbH Region Bonn/Rhein-Sieg/Ahrweiler
© Tourismus & Congress GmbH Region Bonn / Rhein-Sieg / Ahrweiler
Logo des De Gruyter Verlages
© Walter de Gruyter GmbH
Logo der DHL Gruppe
© DHL Group
© Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung
© Fritz Thyssen Stiftung
© Beethoven-Haus Bonn
© Int. Beethovenfeste Bonn GmbH
© Stiftung Haus der Geschichte der BRD
© Zeit Stiftung Bucerius
© Lese- u. Erholungsgesellschaft Bonn


Convention Office

We will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the congress.


Institute for Philosophy
Am Hof 1
D - 53113 Bonn

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